Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Over and Over again

I hate "re shoots".  Usually an image has to be redone due to an error in the recipe that will drastically effect the look of the final image or the food is so extremely ugly that the higher ups at Beyond Wonderful want me to re do it (sigh).  Sometimes you just can't make something really ugly look really good no matter how creative I am.  Now one of the perks of being a food photographer/stylist is that you get to eat the wonderful food at the end of the shoot.  I shoot everything in natural light and do not alter the food in anyway - what you see is what you get, and I get to eat it when I am all done.  The image of the strawberry shortcake did not need to be "re shot" - bummer.  This is my favorite recipe from Beyond Wonderful and of course it is so visually "pretty" that it was a no brainer, slam dunk, right out of the gates - done.  Too bad for me, right?  I could eat this for breakfast lunch and dinner, it's that good!


  1. breakfast, lunch, and dinner?...i want it!

    xo chanel
